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Compilation Compilation: Blur Green

Compilation Summary:
Name: Blur Green
Label: Five Musicians
Release Date: 27 July 1997
Running Time: 31:10
Media Type: MP3 and XM
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 16 March 2019
By: flagvelusip

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Compilation Details For Blur Green:

Mellow-D release under Five Musicians group. Catalog number fm-54.

Compilation Artists: flag Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen)

Songs In This Production (5 Total) :

PC-XMcloudcomplex by flag Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen) Log in to queue
PC-XMCrash and Burn by flag Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen) Log in to queue
PC-XMMokum by flag Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen) Log in to queue
PC-XMOpera by flag Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen) Log in to queue
PC-XMThat Means... by flag Mellow-D (Jaakko Manninen) Log in to queue

Production Notes:

b l u r
g r e e n.



VERSION 2: Full-sized XM's.
This is a version where I left the songs to their original size.
To hear an other kind of sound, please refer yourself to: A low-sized version of the disk. Downsampled XM's. This version of the disk. MP3 files of the songs. Some are actually smaller
than the XM's themselves

My future productions will probably be released as MP3 only. Trust me, you
win on size. I've already crossed the 20 meg limit

1. Intro

Hi. Welcome to blur green. It's one of my hardest work so far, a lot of time has
gone into these tunes. This is my fourth musicdisk (kaktoos, blur religion,
blur plastiq, and now blur green). It's also the last (finally!) in the blur
series. I guess what the blur series was is a series of tracker experiments.
I like them.

The feedback on the previous disk was so amazing that I was a little pressured
and hence worried about the level of this disk. It's like always when you're
creating your third "album", or an album after a hit one, you get tense. I hope
you will like it. And thank you a lot for the feedback! I would like to receive
some on this disk aswell.

Thanks to: Diablo, Dune, Stinger, Dennisc, Subliminal, zsazS, ior and
everyone else on #trax. Very special thank you goes to Ozone. An extra-very-mega
special i-owe-my-life-to-you thing goes to mikmak for writing xm2wav. The mp3's
were made with that and I think that program is quite flawless :-) Also thanks
to Fernis for the SoundBlaster AWE 32, Markonen for the sennheisers, Antti
Koskinen for the Korg 707, Hunz and MickRip for the music and music talks
and #trax for the mental support.

2. Songs

Some of the songs are going to be on my CD, whenever that gets done. The sound
quality on those tunes is better than on the rest, so take a guess. Most of
the tunes were made around June-August 1997.

Sound equipment used:

miscellaneous win95 sound tools
korg 707 (as a midi keyboard)
yamaha tx81z fm-synth (rack)
Yamaha VSS-200 (very nice toy synth)
crybaby bass wah-wah
realistic 10-band graphic equalizer
digitech 256xl multi effects processor (rack)
JPW monitors
a sony discman
a denon amp
sennheiser hd 450
sennheiser hd 25 sp
ozone's voice (the speeches on cloud complex)

I guess that takes me to the songs themselves. They are mostly inspired by misc
dub artists such as The Orb. Some Underworld and Nine Inch Nails inspiration is
there too.

Please try to play everything in FastTracker II, it's the only thing aside xm2wav
that plays the songs correctly.

No comments on the songs themselves.

3. Versions

Why did I make three versions of the disk? Simply because all but one of the
songs are over a meg in original XM size, and some people can't software mix
the songs to hear everything. There's a downsampled version (with some samples
missing), a regular version and an MP3 version. Suit yourself!

3. Next things

Thanks for your time spent listening to blur green! I really really like to hear
what people think, so email me! Also check out periodically
(as soon as WAVE gets the site done) and for the best scene

4. Contacting me

Here's how you can contact me, and please don't hesitate to!

By snailmail, you can send mail to:

Jaakko Manninen
Pengerkatu 27 B 39
FIN-00500 Helsinki

By the net, you can reach me at:
IRC: Jak or Mellow-D

By phone, you can reach me at +358-40-585-3067.

5. Five Musicians

The Five Musicians are WAVE, Necros, Basehead, Hunz and
Mellow-D. Please come and visit our site at
for more information!

6. Copyright and disclaimer

Copyright 1996 Jaakko Manninen. All rights reserved.
The production may not be sold for profit, but may be used in
compilations that cost nothing or that cost only the production
costs of the physical media.
Jaakko Manninen assumes no liability of direct or indirect
damage resulting from the use of this production. So don't blow off
your ears.

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