Emissions #3 by Ethos9
Compilation Summary:
Name: Emissions #3
Label: Ethos9
Release Date:
9 Sept. 1997
Running Time: 45:01
Num. Disks: 2
Media Type: musicdisk
Additional Info: Details Page
Pouet Info: Pouet Link
Added On:
25 March 2019
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Compilation Details For Emissions #3:
ed jun-sep '97 - emissions #3..
g'day, dear friends and phunkateerz.. "emissions", part three - yet another journey through the prodigious world of oldschool chiptunes we all adore (don't we !?).. just like the previous editions of "emissions", this third comprehensive documentary of chiptune-music features a selection of -exclusive- music from some of the finest protagonists of the global electronic amiga/pc-underground.. quite a few of best chiptune- musicians around contributed towards this musicdisk - no other scene project, no matter of which kind, can come even close to such a line-up and represent so many high-quality groups at one time.. yes, all tunes groovilicious, previously unreleased (exceptions: those few 64ktro-tunes and some of the old trsi-chiptunes, which the trsi- organisers wanted to have re-released via ethos9) and fingerlickin' good! please send all contributions towards emissions#4 to assign@usa.net - thank you very much..
and now for all further credits: organiser+initiator: assign.. code: climax (using ims + pmode) and myth.. vga-artwork: sky.. additional art: trc, kyp..
final words: the emissions#3 secretpart is not an amiga->pc emulation/conversion or similiar, we recoded it 100% from scratch.. it should work fine with a pentium75 or higher, 500k ram, sb/gus, dos6.22 or higher (no windows, please).. contact myth via sinsch@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de if you have any questions/ideas/feedback (no bug reports please)..
DISK 1 ===
!juicyc.mod ............ "juicy cut" by vegard / scoopex + melon design 658.mod ..................... "6581-mycopcar" by jazz / haujobb + smoke chillina.mod ... "chillin' arabians" by vegard / scoopex + melon design chipana2.xm ....................... "giana sisters" by kb / purge + tom emax-dbs.mod ........................ "digital bassline" by emax / trsi emax-doz.mod ........................... "delicate oooz" by emax / trsi emax-enj.mod ....................... "enjoy the silence" by emax / trsi emax-pep.mod ..................... "pepperoni encounter" by emax / trsi fol.mod ........ "follow the stream" by vegard / scoopex + melon design gadget.mod ............... "inspektor gadget" by jazz / haujobb + smoke goo.mod ....... "good old fashioned" by vegard / scoopex + melon design hi-del.mod .................... "delirious" by hilite / trsi + surprise hi-i7p.mod ............. "i7's purple haze" by hilite / trsi + surprise hudsuckr.mod ..................... "hudsuckaz (edit)" by jazz / haujobb k3-intr5.mod ................ "intro no5" by keith303 / tokyo dawn + rr light.mod ................. "light is our force" by arrogance / offence lost.xm .................... "lost in las vegas" by the rew / nostalgia mongo.mod ................... "mongo polka" by jazz & atheist / haujobb mst-hip.s3m ....................... "read my hips" by mystical / purple psmultik.xm ....................... "planet samey multik" by vim / mono rad.mod ................ "radical elements" by juice / phase distortion rsngsun.mod ..... "house of the rising sun" by juice / phase distortion sealevel.mod ........... "sea level" by vegard / scoopex + melon design skr_strk.mod ............. "stroke world level 3" by lord chaos / kolor sl#1.mod .............................. "sonic leap #1" by optic / trsi smpcompo.mod ..................... "smpcompo" by jazz / haujobb + smoke tu_itr57.mod ........ "commando part 1" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr59.mod ............ "przcibyszcz" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr60.mod ........ "evoke-introtune" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr64.mod ....... "mamba_disk_music" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr65.mod ....... "lightforce-remix" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr68.mod ........... "toxic dreams" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr72.mod ....... "intro music no72" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr74.mod ....... "intro music no74" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_itr75.mod ....... "intro music no75" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 wonder.mod ..................... "wonderland" by jazz / haujobb + smoke
DISK 2 ===
3mix-iii.s3m ............................ "3mix-ii" by beacon/sublevel3 a&a-wolk.xm ....... "wolkenticket" by assign & ambientmove / tokyo dawn a&s-hark.xm .............. "harke" by assign / ethos9 & salice / demons a&u-bc4.xm ... "body chemistry _4" by assign & the unconsciousness / e9 agn-angf.xm ............. "angefressen" by assign / ethos9 + tokyo dawn agn-blut.xm ............... "ausbluten" by assign / ethos9 + tokyo dawn ambient.xm ............................... "sonne" by raytrayza / kolor autonom.s3m ....................... "autonomus" by skaven / future crew beautifu.xm ..................... "beautiful dreaming" by smash / noise boredsht.xm ............................ "bored shitless" by vim / mono chp8trip.xm ........................... "chiptrip" by raytrayza / kolor dew.xm ............................. "elektrik dew" by supernao / lemon distant.s3m .............. "distant lullaby" by necros / five musicians dtn-brkz.xm ................. "step on the breakz" by dynamix / destiny dtn-fueg.xm .............................. "fuego" by heretic / destiny emission.xm ...... "emissions from outer space" by lonewolf / nocturnal excavato.xm .......... "love excavator" by velvet / tokyo dawn + amable fluffy.xm ........... "fluffy clouds" by velvet & amable / tdr + amable fuled.xm ....................................... "fu'led" by vim / mono gibhsur.s3m .......................... "eth gib hsur" by imode / exceed gummi2.xm ....... "gummibat til salgs 2" by lonewolf / nocturnal + beam imaginar.xm .................... "imaginary cookies" by elusive / smoke jt_letgo.xm ................. "stranglehold 2" by wave / five musicians judo.xm .... "judo grooves" by radix / tokyo dawn records + tbl + tpolm kaivari.s3m ...... "ilta kaivopuistossa" by prism / electromotive force klife.xm .................... "kool life" by pirat / tokyo dawn records littlead.xm ........................ "little adventure" by thor / tpolm m-fp.xm .............................. "fruktfats pop" by martyn / pooh malibu_.xm ............ "tasting malibu" by falcon / tokyo dawn + pulse mlb_rmx.xm ..... "tasting malibu (house remix)" by falcon / tdr + pulse mst-oni.s3m .................. "onions are munchy" by mystical / purple m_air.xm .......................... "air" by mefis / tokyo dawn records m_photo.xm .............. "photo session" by mefis / tokyo dawn records m_sun.xm .......................... "sun" by mefis / tokyo dawn records nobottle.xm ................................. "no bottle" by vim / mono not_alba.mod ..................... "not a love bite alas" by vim / mono nuseup.mod ................... "nuse up'42" by atheist & jazz / haujobb pingpong.mod .......................... "ping pong" by ronny / teklordz sc-sball.xm ....... "star balls" by screamager / radical rhythms + kfmf shake.xm .............. "shake your leg" by lonewolf / nocturnal + beam sjourner.xm ........ "sojourner" by ambientmove + velvet / tdr + amable tu&a_aff.xm ......... "affekt" by the unconsciousness & assign / ethos9 tu_rmsh.mod ........ "ramshackle place" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 tu_stot.xm ................ "scheintot" by the unconsciousness / ethos9 ufo.xm ........................... "ufo" by lonewolf / nocturnal + beam universe.xm ....... "universe within" by keyg / hap + swirl + screwbolt x2.xm ......................... "x2-theme - lonewolf / nocturnal + beam
Compilation Artists:
A-Move (Hendrik Stöteler)
Atheist (Ulrik Lindblad)
Elusive (Peter Hippeläinen)
Emax [de] (Benni Pedersen)
Falcon (Jacek Dojwa)
Jazz (Kai Fischer)
Martyn (Mattias Sundling)
Necros (Andrew Sega)
Prism (Simo Paakkanen)
Radix (Jakob Svanholm)
Skaven (Peter Hajba)
Vegard (Vegard Wolf Dyvik)
Velvet (Kristian Perusic)
WAVE (Jeroen Tel)
Songs In This Production (19 Total) :
Digital Bassline by
Emax [de] (Benni Pedersen)
Delicate 0ooz!
Emax [de] (Benni Pedersen)
Enjoy the Silence by
Emax [de] (Benni Pedersen)
Pepperoni Encounter by
Emax [de] (Benni Pedersen)
Hudsuckaz by
Jazz (Kai Fischer)
Mongo-polka by
Atheist (Ulrik Lindblad)
Jazz (Kai Fischer)
Sea Level by
Vegard (Vegard Wolf Dyvik)
Autonomus by
Skaven (Peter Hajba)
Distant Lullaby by
Necros (Andrew Sega)
Fluffy Clouds
A-Move (Hendrik Stöteler)
Velvet (Kristian Perusic)
Imaginary Cookies by
Elusive (Peter Hippeläinen)
Letting Go by
WAVE (Jeroen Tel)
Judo Grooves by
Radix (Jakob Svanholm)
Ilta Kaivopuistossa by
Prism (Simo Paakkanen)
Little Adventure by
Radix (Jakob Svanholm)
Fruktfats Pop by
Martyn (Mattias Sundling)
Tasting Malibu by
Falcon (Jacek Dojwa)
Tasting Malibu (House Remix) by
Falcon (Jacek Dojwa)
A-Move (Hendrik Stöteler)
Velvet (Kristian Perusic)
Production Notes: Pouet link: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=7525 DemoZoo link: https://demozoo.org/productions/8549/