Last Updated:
13 Feb. 2010
Added By:
Most Valuable Playaz... a group dedicated to drum & bass/big beats/trip & hip hop musique -
come with us... to the darkside.. to the dark hangars of mad-e where he'll presents ya the blue ... the blue beats..
yea, mad-e hits it again. this time with some dark drum'n'bass stompa some cool chineese sample, real dark background samples, wich one of'em is portamento'ed down, woah. real khou filtered beats. try to listen to those voices in the beat, heh. douph ass vocals, but yo, that's not all. not at all. the best in this track are those basses, woouaaha... mad-e kicks yo darn ass with khou filtered sawtooth subabbes. yeaa, that's what we're freakin all about here.. ouber ant aut..
we need to accelerate the drug aproval procces...
Active Group Members:
Bay Tremore (Tomi Korkalainen)
Dalezy (Ronny Engmann)
Djamm (Reynald Deliens)
Fanu (Janne Hatula)
Lone Wolf (Øyvind Stole)
Lord Chaos
Mad-E (Thomas Lykke Petersen)
Marek (Marek Nowak)
PsiDream (Jeff Malcolm)
Techleash (Bjørgvin Jonsson)
tEiS (Craig Bynum)
Active Group Songs:
Pheno by
Bay Tremore (Tomi Korkalainen)
Muffler (Konsta Mikkonen)