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AMIGA-MODByfånens Get by flag HyperUnknown (Daniel Miria Hammarlind)
Requested By: flagMystra

Time Left: 1:42

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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
The fifth annual card exchange is now open!

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Group Information For Mercury


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Last Updated: 8 April 2010
Added By: flagLittleWhite

Mercury is a demogroup founded in 45 B.C. While initially our name had no particular meaning at all, people started using it for things we invented - like mercury (the planet) or mercury [Hg] the chemical element. Around 1000, we released a bestseller called the bible, a fairy tale about a person called "god" which our fanboys could fall for and pray to - instead of praying to us, since the decision had been made to stay away from the public for a while.

While most of our previous releases and all proof of our previous existance have been destroyed during a malicious terrorist attack in 2001 planned by George W. Bush, we decided in 2006 to finally execute our secret plan for a new world order. This plan involves the demoscene, but we are afraid that we cannot tell you more at this very moment. Just be patient and you will see.

Active Group Members:
flag JCO (Jan C. Obergfell)
flag Red [DE] (Simon Ley)

Active Group Songs:
64K exeEpsilon Have video by flag JCO (Jan C. Obergfell) Log in to queue
32K exeJohann by flag Red [DE] (Simon Ley) Log in to queue
64K exeOn (party version) Have video by flag Red [DE] (Simon Ley) Log in to queue
64K exeThe Timeless Have video by flag Red [DE] (Simon Ley) Log in to queue