Satanic Kids Enterprise
Visit Group's Website
Music group by joule, ko0x, malmen and mano.
Active Group Members:
Joule (Joel Johansson)
Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
Mano (Ulf Wikström)
Wiklund (Alexander Wiklund)
Active Group Songs:
#000000 Space (Black Space) by
Mano (Ulf Wikström)
Bed & Breakfast by
Joule (Joel Johansson)
Christian Fairytales by
Joule (Joel Johansson)
Darkness in Da Night by
Mano (Ulf Wikström)
Emerald Droplets
Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
Girl Next Door by
Wiklund (Alexander Wiklund)
Good Morning Ziphoid by
Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
Happy Gold Rush by
Wiklund (Alexander Wiklund)
Kip's Isle by
Beek (Chris J. del Camino)
Lion Mullets by
Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
Littlewe Kladdcakes by
Joule (Joel Johansson)
Love Lunesta by
Mano (Ulf Wikström)
March of the Ants by
Alpha C (Marcel van Wijk)
My Time with Mim by
Wiklund (Alexander Wiklund)