Flash Inc. (Founded On:
1 Jan. 1993
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Last Updated:
28 Aug. 2010
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Flash Inc. is one of the many coder groups in Russia, who use and love their Spectrum Computers. All demos are related to Flash, but some of the files don't definitely mention Flash Inc. in runtime. These files were created by members of Flash in various 'Jam Sessions' through the years. All music is done by Flash members, mostly by Voxon and Mr. Nik.
Active Group Members:
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Daiz'L (Kenneth Jonsson)
Rambones (Jan Diabelez Arent Harries)
Active Group Songs:
Ball Dream 2 by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Blue System by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Crater by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Flash! by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Galaxy 3 Demo by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Ignorer by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Insideout by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Intensiv by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Intro1 by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
IRIS Ultrademo - Tune 3
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Joy by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Megasong by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Mi & My by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
New1 by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
One Remix by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Oxygene 3 by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Probe by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Techno1 by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Trx7 by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Tunnel by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Vicomm by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Window by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Wkk5 by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Worship by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)
Worship! by
Amadeus Voxon (Mikhail Belousov)