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SID (6581/8580)Humppalaki by flag Rock (Sami Seppä)
Requested By: flagAlcAsh
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Time Left: 2:07

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Group Information For The Digital Artists [TDA]

The Digital Artists [TDA]

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Last Updated: 20 Oct. 2010
Added By: flagSTS-136

AKA the Darkness Unknown Force [DUF], the Digital Artists Wired Network [Dawn3], or most recently [TDA].

"The demoscene in Portugal started on PC with a small core of people who got together through Bulletin Board Systems, Reckless Life BBS and Infinity BBS run by the infamous Captain Hook. The scene thrived through the nineties with the uprising of IRC and the two issues of the diskmag, Infinity, put together by Garfield, VAngel and Spellcaster if my memory serves me correctly. The first documented demoscene event in Portugal was organized in 1996 and was called the Virtual Music Contest. It was just a simple tracking competition. Groups formed around this time were Radioactive Design (RD) with Garfield, Bitcoder, Shaka, the Darkness Unknown Force (DUF) with Brainpower, Data Disrupter, and Noise Bleeder. In retrospect DUF brewed most of the active Portuguese scene of the last decade despite having released little more then a short demo called Simple, and a couple of BBS intros for Black Town and Harakiri. They later changed their name to the Digital Artists Wired Nation (Dawn3), which would later morph into the group currently called The Digital Artists (TDA)."
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Active Group Songs:
PC-ITSo Short by flag Distance (Esa Juhani Ruoho) Log in to queue
PC-ITSundial Jam (Suntrap Edit) Have video by flag Distance (Esa Juhani Ruoho) , flag Viinkala Log in to queue
PC-ITThor's Magic Bathtub Have video by flag Distance (Esa Juhani Ruoho) Log in to queue
PC-S3MUda Talks to Me by flag Distance (Esa Juhani Ruoho) Log in to queue