zoi (10:05:48) and definitely not on emulators
zoi (10:05:43) it doesn't work on all c64s
zoi (10:05:37) https://www.pouet.net
zoi (10:05:27) fairlight did one of those snow demos
looper (10:05:14) eh, nihongo speech
mirrorbird (10:05:13) also known as "shash"
mirrorbird (10:05:04) also the more general term "snow" for the fizzy grey dots when your TV was not tuned correctly -- i guess anyone born after the 90s won't have seen it
mirrorbird (10:04:26) that's proper 80s graphics
mirrorbird (10:04:18) "how can i update the screen that fast? and not have it covered in cancer"
mirrorbird (10:04:00) snow *used* to be a computer graphics problem, did you ever switch screens on a Speccy without telling the ULA?
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