Rapture (18:49:48) somehow that wireless stuff is so strange
Rapture (18:49:42) can I connect gamepad WITH cable to PS3?
Rapture (18:48:50) or english
Rapture (18:48:47) yes arra, be at revision but pls talk german deutsch
Rapture (18:48:39) goose evening!
noodi10 (18:33:49)
juN3bula (18:08:34)
noodi10 (18:08:08) so beautiful
noodi10 (18:08:04) jogeir songs could probably be used at wedding im not gonna lie
noodi10 (17:59:10) keyg
Time Left: 6:39
Some scene music is performed live, in real time, often facing a large audience at a demoparty.