Rapture (15:09:27) i miss those innocent days
Rapture (15:09:22) great times. oh man. arro cousin and me playing it
Rapture (15:08:38) sms bubble bobble, i played c64
mirrorbird (15:08:35) excluding arcade of cozzz
Rapture (15:08:21) i played it daily since xmas 1987 (mustve been or was it xmas 1988, ok)
mirrorbird (15:08:17) SMS's Bubble Bobble is one of the better versions also, maybe the best
mirrorbird (15:07:52) well i rarely saw or played one.
Nhoque3786 (15:07:42) been a while lmao
mirrorbird (15:07:33) Nhoque
Rapture (15:07:31) mirror, didnt know you were into SMS?!
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