Rapture (14:32:10) because you use your imagination for everything
Rapture (14:32:03) books are always better
Oldchap (14:31:42) I just watched the show 3-Body Problem. Anyone seen it? It was pretty good.
mirrorbird (14:31:16) unless it was written afterward (but even then sometimes)
mirrorbird (14:31:05) Team Book always
zoi (14:29:58) #thebookwasbetter
zoi (14:29:52) it's closer to the book ending anyway
serpent (14:28:42) you cant close your eyes, you cant go numb, you cant get afraid etc
mirrorbird (14:28:18) i'm imagining the text on one of those charming old silent-film dialogue cards
serpent (14:28:10) although it has been many years since last time but anyway, you need to have the exp
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