Machforr (13:07:03) FAQ
looper (10:54:05) Thanks a lot!
Colidace (09:05:47)
Colidace (09:05:15) @looper - I replied to your question in the inbox, best regards
looper (08:38:08) Some words are a mess, just checked........ typing on a phone sux!!!
looper (08:37:19) Hi, Colidace! I've sent you a PM, could you look at it? Thanks!
Thexder (08:24:35) mornings
Colidace (08:18:08) morning nectas
Rapture (02:44:18)
Rapture (00:25:49) and sONIQUE is hUGGABLE and lOVABLE!
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