d_vibe (12:17:57) Ok..
zoi (12:16:44) no
d_vibe (12:16:29) zoi: are you going to apply for it?
mirrorbird (11:56:11) whatta Voguey bassline
zoi (11:52:35) actually, I think I'd be eligible for Swedish citizenship next month
d_vibe (11:48:40) zoi: Hmm, I think Psycho was from Stockholm, but perhaps he lives in Gothenburg now..
zoi (11:46:08) I'm not Swedish
zoi (11:46:05) doesn't sound like me
mirrorbird (11:45:44) wasn't you was it zoi?
mirrorbird (11:45:40) hmmm i remember two swedes from the 90s chat, there was "goodguy" (believed in lots of new-age nonsense) and "RAZZOR" (he was a bastard)
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