Ishaan (10:18:58) this song sure is groovy
faraday (10:18:55) I'm not bold nor ponytailed...
mirrorbird (10:18:54) will trade for cockney rhyming slang. get up them apples and pears and into Uncle Ned
Ishaan (10:18:19) it's like the badge of recognition
faraday (10:18:15) you understand French verlan mb, that's right
Ishaan (10:18:01) half bald sysadmin poney tail is a standard haircut
mirrorbird (10:17:23) beards are fine, i just can't stand the sysadmin ponytail
Ishaan (10:17:06) if you enjoy old bearded nerds, might be the right place
mirrorbird (10:17:04) salut et verlanasse
Ishaan (10:16:52) Depends on your preferences I guess
Time Left: 3:37
plane by Funky BuddhasFetched from Pouet id 8885