Erk (09:29:39) yup, old song.
d_vibe (09:28:54) makes it a bit muddy, but the song was good none the less
d_vibe (09:28:44) I think the issue is in the mix and that it's too much reverb
Erk (09:23:10) Dunno, but I like those crazzy blips. Perhaps bassdrum should be better ?
d_vibe (09:21:45) Hmm, I wonder if this is made with Buzztracker
faraday (09:21:31) Ouèche!
Erk (09:20:10) Wesh la france en force on va tout niquer
faraday (09:19:23) ah que coucou
Erk (09:15:18)
DennyItaly (08:12:31) Colidace o/
Time Left: 1:27
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