HexaDecimator (06:17:23) /me hides
HexaDecimator (06:17:14) duck duck duck goose!!!
mirrorbird (06:16:58) accidentally requesting Rapture when he isn't here, he hates that
mirrorbird (06:16:45) and "North America" (the country formerly known as Canada). bit confusing that one
HexaDecimator (06:16:21) yeah near the america ocean
mirrorbird (06:15:41) never heard of it, i guess it must be near the gulf of america?
HexaDecimator (06:15:25) america.
mirrorbird (06:15:08) nobody's here, let's secretly talk about politics
mirrorbird (06:14:48) i think you'll find "frist post" is a lagelly admissible form
HexaDecimator (06:14:09) you had the frist post, not the first post!
Time Left: 4:13
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