juN3bula (12:30:13)
arrakis (11:00:25) ça donne
arrakis (10:49:41) yeah ok thanx 16¤
HexaDecimator (10:36:03) so it works out in the end
HexaDecimator (10:36:00) the forums say that every time I've posted there, but when I refresh the post is there
arrakis (10:17:55) I cant write under formum
arrakis (10:17:50) Something unforseen happened in the great machinery. We're reeeally sorry! Sad panda
arrakis (10:16:55) how can we see the banning list?
arrakis (10:16:50) ahh ookkk hope he gonna be back???A sk him
arrakis (10:16:40) idk simple hypothseis
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