d_vibe (12:16:14) TX81Z Lately Bass
mirrorbird (12:15:22) awful. would probably buy it
mirrorbird (12:15:10) haha they are selling beanie hats
mirrorbird (12:14:30) it's ok you can have an apple juice
mirrorbird (12:13:59) you may know it from a bad but popular film
mirrorbird (12:13:44) we'll hang out here Rappy. when you make enough spare change to visit my little island. https://theworldsend.co.uk
mirrorbird (12:12:57) MONKEY ISLAND SHIT THANKS
mirrorbird (12:12:51) the one reason to learn etymology
Rapture (12:12:50) vaporize
mirrorbird (12:12:42) arctic -- bear. antarctic -- no bear
Time Left: 5:09
7-up by speedwayFetched from Pouet id 6442