noodi10 (21:06:23) wait did someone add NEW SMILEYS
noodi10 (21:05:56) im in a good mood actually
mirrorbird (21:05:02) HTTP 410 Arab's in a bad mood
Stinsen (21:03:47) 303 Please take acid
mirrorbird (21:02:14) cheer up, it could be "402 Payment Required"
Stinsen (21:01:44) server state is sad, nothing else
noodi10 (20:58:27) i get sad
noodi10 (20:58:26) awww guys dont say that stuff
Stinsen (20:57:46) the only time I will be RIP'ed
HexaDecimator (20:52:23) /me readies 'deceased' tag
Time Left: 4:17
Smart Girls Hate Booze by Booze DesignFetched from Pouet id 18410