zoi (06:42:13) I have a nice rii mini keyboard with german layout that I use for my android tv
zoi (06:41:37) auto correct helped me add the speaker
Agemixer (06:39:48) i got a BT Rapoo keyboard but.. no luck so far. Neither phone
Agemixer (06:37:27) speaker keyboard .?
Agemixer (06:36:59) (and soonish 3th phone)
zoi (06:36:42) any Bluetooth speaker keyboard should work
Agemixer (06:36:07) zoi do you happen to know some generic ext keyboard which should just work for any android? Because 2 phones.
Agemixer (06:34:43) gappy/happy ... ah damnation.
Agemixer (06:33:59) ge/he qre/are
Agemixer (06:33:18) Rst tunes text content looks and sounds elitistic and somewhat arrogant too but as ge is my oong time friend i know yim a gappy dude, the texts qre just group-inside humour!
Time Left: 6:45
Dee Musicdemo 1 by DeeFetched from Pouet id 58176