Agemixer (21:05:25) LIST
Agemixer (21:05:20) load "$",8 for dir
mirrorbird (21:05:20) oh, Vice crashed.
Agemixer (21:04:47) dir content
mirrorbird (21:04:46) now how do i load it
mirrorbird (21:04:44) ok i did Alt+8, attach image
Agemixer (21:04:33) what's in d64?
mirrorbird (21:04:02) it sometimes works
Agemixer (21:03:57) ahh.. probablybthe editor projectfile then
mirrorbird (21:03:55) the Speccy can do streams & channels (like you can read one file and write another -- or redirect keyboard to printer). it's quite buggy though
Time Left: 3:03
Moonlight Shadow by 23 Celsius CrewFetched from Pouet id 33089