Agemixer (12:28:46) i was quite stuck on a phone because of those "two" Lol
Seymour (12:27:45) Please go on, make a cleanup.
Agemixer (12:27:15) sorry
Seymour (12:26:58) i'm crazy now!
Agemixer (12:26:51) bit
Agemixer (12:26:17) ok. Sorry about those two sdamn.bYeah i have to cl anup a jit and take that computer into use finally.
Seymour (12:26:05) Ari, Regae, Age. Too many instances!
Agemixer (12:25:03) It was regae
Seymour (12:24:55) Ok. Here you go. Not bad for a beginning of a day! The rest of the day.
Agemixer (12:24:49) Age hey stop it
Time Left: 4:43
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