Agemixer (10:35:15) FQA, frequently questioned answers.
Agemixer (10:33:53) Big FAQ to read. Thank them it doesn't read FAG!
arrakis (10:30:44) it sux
arrakis (10:30:42) re'size faq
arrakis (10:30:37) pls remove FAQ siez
arrakis (10:30:27) well FAQ !!!! WARNING
arrakis (10:29:59) but your prime minster is so CUTE
arrakis (10:29:53) yah
Agemixer (10:29:46) especially these times...
arrakis (10:29:43) ah but in France huge of migrants...And dont talk about MAYOTTE : a nest of islamsist commorians coming with bunches of kids to use our fabulous medical care for FREE
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