noodi10 (18:21:53) HEY any shaders, coders, visualists in this chat??
Rapture (18:21:52) are ya in the herd schizo
Rapture (18:21:44) hehe
Schizo (18:21:32) Friendship is magic! YAY!
noodi10 (18:21:22) so longggggg
Rapture (18:21:22) but then NEVER HAPPENS such a demo :/
noodi10 (18:21:17) the QUEUE omggggg
Rapture (18:21:15) i mostly dont' often wanna go on ppls nerves
Rapture (18:21:06) but I fear til revision, I can't organize such a demo, in a "hurry" etc
noodi10 (18:20:42)
Time Left: 4:59
Space Sperm II by The Special BrothersFetched from Pouet id 4430