latter (23:51:44)
Dynamic (23:45:38)
YellowKID (21:33:27)
Seymour (18:04:29) zoi, Russian word пивко sounds like peefko, with an accent on "o". It's a variant of a "пиво" (beer) word.
Seymour (16:48:02) "party
Seymour (16:47:53) Breakbit took control over the patry?
Seymour (16:46:32) *is used
Seymour (16:17:58) Word felicita, with small differences, used widely in Europe, Spain too
Seymour (16:16:06) In Italy it can be: felice nuovo anno (happy new year)
Seymour (16:15:35) pour féliciter - to congratulate?
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