Rapture (20:13:58) kitchen, cya! o/
Rapture (20:13:57)
Rapture (20:13:52) mega greetz to STINSEEEEEEN! and a few to zoi
Rapture (20:13:44) I'm da JOKE EXPLANATOR!
Rapture (20:13:39) zoi means for instance, chicken.
zoi (20:08:17) well, you usually have a lot of beaks in a coop
Stinsen (19:32:38) didn't know he did a coop with beek
Stinsen (19:32:06) ofc i heard DRAX in this, great
zoi (19:17:24) and rampart
zoi (19:17:20) yes
Time Left: 4:12
This tune was removed per artist's request