Agemixer (20:38:45) ascii out of petscii
mirrorbird (20:38:41) x64sc -- seems to be the binary i want
mirrorbird (20:38:36) "no more X" (maybe you were thinking of "Faith No More" heh)
Agemixer (20:38:10) hmm was it vice versa, not sure
mirrorbird (20:37:30) what is petcat -- i can only imagine it's like unix 'cat' and prints out PETSCII
Agemixer (20:37:24) flu's NO more pls
Agemixer (20:37:07) but still am, after those flus. Do i ever recover. NO lore flu's please....
mirrorbird (20:36:55) petcat.exe
mirrorbird (20:36:43) right, Vice test, where are we... bin... exe
Agemixer (20:36:26) could be.
Time Left: 4:16
A history of play requests for song Le Pâté Satanique