d_vibe (14:54:28) MFA is only a part of the solution for safety, need both good password and mfa
d_vibe (14:52:46) For a Swede this password generator rocks: https://kodgeneratorn.se
d_vibe (14:52:17) I'm a sysadmin, but I don't use those type of passwords
zoi (14:47:24) System administrators love to use god. It's that whole male ego thing.
zoi (14:47:04) The most commonly used password are: love, secret, sex and god. Not necessarily in that order.
zoi (14:45:18) probably people who use 2FA
d_vibe (14:43:50) understand*
d_vibe (14:43:44) I don't understans people who use qwerty as a password
Rapture (14:32:28) dvibe
Rapture (14:32:17) I should switch to davinci resolve video editor (free version)
Time Left: 4:10
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