Thexder (10:00:22)
Colidace (09:32:49) thanx for invite Thexder
Colidace (09:02:08) Thexder /
Thexder (08:58:00) morning Colid, Zoi
Colidace (08:53:43) Hi sceners
zoi (08:08:32) remember when bit shifter had boked a gig in NY and they put up posters saying that bitch shitter was performing?
zoi (07:52:29) they made the soundtrack for scott pilgrim. even though it's shitty gamemusic, it's a pretty sweet soundtrack.
zoi (07:52:10) this sounds a bit like anamanaguchi
choca (03:44:51) time for me. thx for select dudes. see ya
choca (02:54:52) the ukraine war
Time Left: 3:28
This tune was removed per artist's request