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Time Left: 4:04

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Song Information

PC-ITEternam e Musica

Author: flag Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)

Song Length: 4:51
Release Year: 1999
Song Status: Active
Song Platform: PlatformPC-IT
Song License:

Additional Information:

great ambition to record myself with 3 different tone voice... but maybe annoying for sceners ;)

project : What's about the love now ?
project download :

CreaDream Sound Studio
proudly presents
the new Cyborg Jeff's
New Age composition

# Eternam e musica #
by Cyborg Jeff[P.Martin]
A lot of samples from
other by myself
]Yamaha DJX1
]ZZ Top
]Vocal arranged with
my SBLife.
tracked the 12-11-99
on Impulse Tracker
Huummm sure
a lot of people will
like this music..

En plus j'en fais de
moins en moins et encore
moins dans ce style-la

Encore une fois je
fais pleins depiggykisses
a mon p'tit coeur
qui me manque.

Salut a Mr Pype
qui a detruit 32mo de RAM
Mais qui commence 'enfin'
a faire des mods cOOl

Salut a TBob
que j'aimerai revoir
une fois quand meme..

Salut aussi a
n certainly a lot
of ozer who read PCTEAM
CJ-Pierre Martin
45 rue Edison 4100

email [tention cuz
it could not

Last Queued : 1 week, 4 days ago

This song has been played 60 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 4 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.8 - Votes Placed: 53 View Voting History
A total of 9 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Song Comment

Some god awful falsetto but the rest is OK, if repetitive. So repetitive...