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PC-RenoiseThe Air Element by flag DDSpeed (Denis Dubiella)
Requested By: flagNeobyte

Time Left: 5:24

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Song Information

PC-ITFermer Les Yeux

Author: flag Athena (Jessica Thirion) , flag Cyborg Jeff (Pierre Martin)

Song Length: 4:33
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Platform: PlatformPC-IT
Song License:

Additional Information:

La nuit se leve
et tu n'es plus la
pourquoi ne peux tu me comprendre, dis moi

Personne dans la rue
je n'entend ta voix
peut-etre qu'aufond cela est mieux comme ca

fermer les yeux jusqu'a demain
pour les r'ouvrir main dans ta main
me retrouver comme autre fois
tout contre toi

fermer les yeux jusqu'a la fin
quand tes levres soignaient mon chagrin
me souvenir de ce temps passe
celui ou tu m'aimais

Lune tu me regardes
Brille un peu pour moi
Car je suis seul dans ma chambre et j'ai froid

Lune tu te moques
Ne te caches pas
Ne m'abandonne pas toi aussi dans le noir


tu frappes a la porte
tu me tend ta main
et moi qui t'aime je cede...reviens

oui sers moi fort
soigne mon chagrin
Lune cache toi tu ne comprendrais rien

Last Queued : 1 week, 3 days ago

This song has been played 131 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 4 months ago.

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Song Rating: 2.3 - Votes Placed: 137 View Voting History
A total of 22 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Song Comment
It's-a me!

Not only can he not sing but he brings in external talent WHO ALSO CANNOT SING.
There is no way this is unintentional. There's just no other explanation.
He's got to be the biggest scene troll ever. It's brilliant, really. But I'm on to his crooked schemes.


I only noticed this now, during the chorus there is a second voice singing in the background at low volume and it is also out of tune. I'm starting to to believe this is a parody

( o Y o ) ლ(°◡°ლ)

CJ is a mystery to me. Able of the best but also the worst



Need a real singer... horrible singing

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