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In Compilations: Compilation Bitjam Podcast #106, Compilation Bitjam Podcast #59

Time Left: 2:23

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Song Information

PC (other)Tyttö Tuli Herättämään Minut

Author: flag Dizzy (Juha Kujanpää)

Song Length: 2:11
Release Year: 2002
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Source: Newschool
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

Assembly 2002, vocal music compo, 3rd place

This song uses the poem from Pentti Saarikoski's (1937-1983) last collection (Hämärän tanssit, 1983 [The Dark One's Dances]) as lyrics

see english translation by fk below

tyttö tuli herättämään minut
että sinä kylmetyt
kaunis kuin ukonhattu
minä sanoin että kylmä ja kuuma ovat sama asia
kylmä tulee ihmisen sisään vatsan läpi,
kuuma selän
nousin istumaan ja huomasin että omenapuussa
oli vielä kaksi omenaa
tyttö nauroi että sinä olet hullu
tule syömään
äiti on jo laittanut lautasille perunoita,
lihapullia ja valkoista sipulikastiketta
tyttö tuli herättämään minut

girl came to wake me up
that you'll catch a cold
brown eyed
beautiful as monkshood*
I said that cold and hot are the same thing
cold comes inside a man through stomach,
hot through back
I rose to sit and noticed that an apple tree
still had two apples
girl laughed that you are mad
come to eat
mother has already put potatoes on plate
meatballs and white onion sauce
girl came to wake me up

*) mushroom species

Last Queued : 5 days, 15 hours ago

This song has been played 108 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 4 months ago.

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Song Rating: 3.3 - Votes Placed: 82 View Voting History
A total of 22 users have this song on their favourites list.

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.еру .зкщпкфь .цшдд .ьфлу .нщг .рфззн

Steadily at the low level

bought this poem collection yesterday from antiquarian, it's a first edition copy which has a dedication written by author's norwegian wife (dated just 20 days after author's death)


The myth of an alcoholic writer is sad and hopefully not glorified by young writers.