Agemixer (11:59:20) surprisingly the Xmas time is quite an exception...
Agemixer (11:58:51) As well as plenty of others but what can i do. Time is so limited and at times plenty of stuff occurs at the same time
Agemixer (11:57:55) i just remember i promised to get in touch with mixer but what happens... long projects, then IRL stuff above that.
Agemixer (11:49:52) Probably most at WIP stage.. IDK
Agemixer (11:48:41) Hmm Mixer did 20 times more tracks. at LEAST afaik
Agemixer (11:47:17) kinda funny title "repeating patterns" by Drax
Agemixer (11:43:51) Seymour washappen?
Seymour (11:43:36) couldn't chose the strongman smiley
Seymour (11:42:05) finally!
Seymour (11:40:59)
Time Left: 6:49
List over votes for the song Mourning