Agemixer (13:20:31) (within)
Agemixer (13:20:12) (with human limits)
Agemixer (13:17:51) Ari puts pretty much everything to almost extremes or almost scientific level
Agemixer (13:16:01) Am i normal hehe
Agemixer (13:15:46) hopefully does, lol
Seymour (13:15:24) :-))
Seymour (13:15:00) more pri to Ari. Makes sense.
Seymour (13:14:13) Ho-ho-ho!
Agemixer (13:14:12) different scheduling IRL and more pri to Ari
Agemixer (13:13:50) oneliner not the best for it but
Time Left: 3:00
List over votes for the song Dba music disk 1