serpent (21:31:52) the only bank that transactions are not asked...
serpent (21:31:34) all the big criminals know what bank i mean
serpent (21:30:56) and V A T I bank
serpent (21:29:06) "they" = bankster, royalties, old and new billionaires
serpent (21:28:15) only if we all are strong, they, are weak
serpent (21:27:31) don't fight with each other over politics, it is made to divide us
serpent (21:26:30) talk with her, she might have old wisdom
serpent (21:26:12) say hello to your neighbour old lady and give ger a cake
serpent (21:25:31) i might sound like a hippie but only thing to do is to stop watching the news and come together
serpent (21:24:32) (i havent in 5 years)
Time Left: 2:04
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