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PC-XMCaramel Condition by flag ko0x
Requested By: flagarrakis

Time Left: 3:01

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Song Information


Author: flag Ron Klaren GroupThe Jungle Command (TJC)

Song Length: 10:37
Release Year: 1988
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Musicdisk
Song Platform: PlatformAMIGA-MOD

Last Queued : 1 week ago

This song has been played 92 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 4 months ago.

Extra Resources: Pouet Icon

Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.3 - Votes Placed: 87 View Voting History
A total of 16 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information


Music Invasion 2
Music Invasion 2

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User Comments

User Song Comment

I had this on ST-00


Yeah, this is indeed one of the really classic modules

Amiga&C64 rulez

same than prowler !


It's everyone's favourite Axel F mod, but the encode isn't quite right here. The echoes of each note are supposed to get quieter, and here they're the same volume, so it's just a bit of a muddle! Someone have another go. It even happens in the xylophoney bit!

All I ever wanted was some Sunshine.

Thanks for reporting, Bulmer. The original STK data is detected as "Ultimate Soundtracker 1.0-1.21" in libopenmpt (and modplug, btw). Thus I uploaded the original file; the Nectamachine can handle it from there.

Volume reduction ratio between main and echo channels is 4:2 on lead saw, but only 3:2 on marimba. Subtle, but it's there. There may be some fun reasons for nuance between what you are accustomed to and what is played here. Paula has much to do with that, but perhaps also some interplay between a particular STK version (1, 2) and playback in a particular player (production/hardware).

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