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AMIGA-MODTwin Phreaks Have video by flag Platon42 (Chris Hodges)
Requested By: flagAlcAsh

Time Left: 2:20

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Song Information

AMIGA-MODMega Mix '88

Author: flag Ziphoid (John Carehag) GroupRazor 1911

Uploaded By: flagZeerios

Song Length: 4:29
Release Year: 1988
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform: PlatformAMIGA-MOD

Additional Information:

"A megamix of a bunch of odd tracks made in a hurry (about 2 hours) during a party in Norway in 1988, asking people around me what songs to add."

Released on 9th of October, 1988

0:00 chris hulsbeck - "dulcedo cogitationis"
0:46 laxity - "broken ass!"
1:01 harold faltermeyer - "axel f."
1:17 rob hubbard - "sanxion"
1:32 ??
1:55 ??
2:17 sabrina "boys, boys, boys"
2:35 hiroshi kawaguchi - "magical sound shower"
3:04 ben daglish - "ark pandora"
3:20 olé olé olé (soccer chant, commercially released as "name of the game" by the fans)
3:42 trans-x - "living on video"
4:06 vangelis - "chariots of fire"

Last Queued : 2 days, 22 hours ago

This song has been played 150 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 2 months ago.

Extra Resources: Pouet Icon Icon Icon

Song Rating

Song Rating: 4.1 - Votes Placed: 111 View Voting History
A total of 42 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information


Amusing IV (Blitter Raper)
Amusing IV (Blitter Raper)

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User Comments

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double u[t][f];

100% stereo separation, obaga...
anyways, cool tune

Steadily at the low level

I heard this when I was 7 but not later. Then in the early 2000s i heard those two scenesongs (by hülsbeck and laxity) which are the very first songs in this mix but I did not know why they were so familiar to me ...until I heard this song again in nectarine about two years ago


used to listen this MOD as a child alot, together with Axel F and with the Popcorn. And of course song about Atari also was in my collection.


True classic! I loved this one back in the days, and still do of course.

Nostalgic BBS Sysop - v2.0

"broken ass!" by a guy named laxity...
12 year old me is falling out of my chair laughing.. if 12 year old me knew what a laxative was...

Great collection of tunes and flows well.

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