Seymour (12:14:45) *no
Seymour (12:14:34) Are you still with now hw keyboard? Did you find some BT model?
Seymour (12:11:57) (I'm no tabaccoholic)
Seymour (12:11:23) Chosen!
Agemixer (12:10:48) normal tobacco lol
Seymour (12:10:25) Ae...
Seymour (12:10:17) acid cig? Ok then (noo way)
Agemixer (12:09:29) Ari hey go have that cig.
Seymour (12:09:25) So many acids. Especlly acid jazz
Agemixer (12:08:33) is there that nerd emote (glasses)? i didn't find it
Time Left: 3:28
A history of play requests for song Turrican 2 (level 1 remake)