juN3bula (23:46:55) i meen the player
juN3bula (23:46:39) but like in mutetus case does nectaplay sid directly?
juN3bula (23:46:18) k,k
Stinsen (23:46:06) *happen
Stinsen (23:46:00) no it doesn't happy automatically, if you liked something and want it here you probably have to upload it yourself
juN3bula (23:45:21) here
juN3bula (23:44:57) or is there someone in CSDb here who puts them to nectasystem
juN3bula (23:43:41) so does dsomeone have to dowload those songs and put them to databasa?
juN3bula (23:42:40) sure not but shit happens
Rapture (23:42:34) age you are excused
Time Left: 4:46
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