HexaDecimator (05:37:25) also ow the interpolation on this one kills the samples
HexaDecimator (05:37:12) c'ya
atinypony (05:37:05) orright, i'm out, see ya fam
HexaDecimator (05:30:20) thanks
atinypony (05:28:47) this last batch of tracks has had a real vibe, good work team
atinypony (05:05:34) bit of hardtsyle is just what i need to finish a day at work on a monday morning
HexaDecimator (04:56:56) cool, means nyingen can add the example song tag!!
atinypony (04:56:32) (jdosbox to the rescue - enterprise pcs always have java runtime enabled )
atinypony (04:52:54) Can confirm, Dystopia bundled with the 2018 RAD2 release
atinypony (04:48:00) OOF THIS IS A BANGER
Time Left: 3:19
A history of play requests for song marmelade