
Song Information

Skyline (Aaron Leibrick)

Song Length: 2:52
Song Status: Moved
Song Bitrate: 320 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Newschool
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Additional Information:
You stand on a cliff just outside a dungeon exit with your party members,
looking over a lush green landscape with mountains in the distance. The
sky is a mix of deep red, orange, and dark blue. Three moons fill the sky
overhead. It is sunset.
The world looks so mysterious. It is your first time seeing the world, as
the evil empire has locked you and your companions up in the underworld,
as well as the rest of the population. To them there is no outside. Nor is
there a way.
You discover that you and everyone you have ever known has been lied to
about their surroundings. So, you set forth on a journey to discover what
lies ahead. Good luck, hero.
-Emerald Prism: Introduction to Gaia-
by skyline, on Jan 3, 2001
Last Queued : 7 years ago
This song has been played 20 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 10 months ago.
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Song Rating: 3.4 - Votes Placed: 10 View Voting HistoryA total of 0 users have this song on their favourites list.
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