LittleWhite (09:48:17) Maybe I am a bit lost, but even if behind the scenes, they are tunneling in IPv6, I did not have any access to IPv6. Even this website returned 0/10
Agemixer (09:48:03) whaat
zoi (09:46:49) yeah, and that's being tunneled over IPv6
LittleWhite (09:46:22) Oh, the IPv4 only network was a cellphone 4G network
zoi (09:45:48) cellphone networks use IPv6 internally for routing calls and data
zoi (09:45:11) I did a talk on it in 2002 as well. I never thought adoption would be so slow
zoi (09:44:38) I kept ipv6 tunnels for my local network since 2002 until they shut down.
d_vibe (09:44:00) 1998 according to swedish wikipedia
d_vibe (09:43:26) ipv6 was new in 1996 or something, pretty funny
LittleWhite (09:43:10) foreign country
Time Left: 5:01
A history of play requests for song [Jingle] Nectarine! (vocoder)