mirrorbird (23:13:07) actually my only problem with zoi is -- [can you fill it in? AT YOUR OWN RISK]
Rapture (23:12:43) lol
Rapture (23:12:42) 10% of the time he's nice though
Rapture (23:12:22) yes
mirrorbird (23:12:17) and good coder
mirrorbird (23:12:08) he's a funny man. he skates right on the edge of pissing me off
Rapture (23:11:40) ANNOYING TROLL heh
Rapture (23:11:24) happy pls
Rapture (23:11:15) da mac demo yes
Rapture (23:11:07) yay!
Time Left: 7:00
A history of play requests for song My Frequency is 140.85