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Song Information

PC (other)That's the Shit Explicit content

Author: flag Netpoet (Frank Stiegler) GroupPark Studios

Uploaded By: flagYohabro

Song Length: 3:02
Release Year: 2010
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 185 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

Winner of the music compo at Main 2010.


Hello boys'n'girls. I'm here tonight to clean up after all the ooftza ooftza music. This song is about hip swinging and hand
waving, and just so that everybody out there understands, I'm gonna do this in many languages. Watch out for yours.
Just get your hands up and your hips movin', and we're good to go.

Let's go, baby, that's the shit! That's the shit! That's the shit!
Gyerünk, bébi, ez a fasza, ez a fasza, ez a fasza!
Allez, bébé, c'est de la merde, de la merde, de la merde.
Ven, cariño, ven cari, esta bien.

Habt ihr Bock?!? Dann zeigt uns'n paar Hände!
Habt ihr Bock?!? Dann zeigt uns eure Hände!

But if that's not your thing, just go over
and get a drink with the ladies at the bar.
They go, "Ooh, vous êtes un coder? C'est magnifique!"
And your knees get weak, you can hardly speak.
Then go to your laptop, act like Chewbacca,
and fix your entries for real real good.
This way or that, please come back
Cuz then it's on, cuz then it's on!
Cut then we get crazy down there, we get crazy up here.
We get totally crazy, it's just craazzeeEEEEEee!
So here we go!

Let's go, baby, that's the shit! That's the shit! That's the shit!
Gyerünk, bébi, ez a fasza, ez a fasza, ez a fasza!
Allez, bébé, c'est de la merde, de la merde, de la merde.
Ven, cariño, ven cari, esta bien, esta bien.

Habt ihr Bock?!? Dann zeigt uns'n paar Hände!

So, jetzt lassen wir unseren Special-Freund, den Ecki Ubumbu
aus Hessisch Uganga, mal ein Bass-Solo machen.

Gut. So, das hätten wir. Jetzt legen wir alle noch mal schön den
Döner weg und nehmen die Hände hoch. Ich will jetzt wirklich alle
Hände sehen, auch deine, DocD. All your hands!

Let's go, baby, that's the shit! That's the shit! That's the shit!
Helft alle mit, dass hier endlich was geht, endlich was geht, endlich was geht!
Gyerünk, bébi, ez a fasza, ez a fasza, ez a fasza!
Hände in die Lüfte und heiß gedreht, heiß gedreht, heiß gedreht.

Bo'i motek, ze gadol.
Min na o ide odorou.

Oh, vous êtes un coder, c'est magnifique!

Thank you, and good night.

Last Queued : 1 week, 4 days ago

This song has been played 91 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 6 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.6 - Votes Placed: 100 View Voting History
A total of 14 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

User Song Comment

Not bad, not bad, earns a better voteranking for sure

I like scene music. How 'bout you?

Ooh. Why does/did this have such a low rating? This is a pretty decent song!


rating fits with the title

