
Song Information
Tags for song:
Chiptune ChiptuneCover CoverRelated songs:

Virt (Jake Kaufman)

Song Length: 2:53
Release Year: 2000
Song Status: Active *
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform:
Additional Information:
sample list:
001 I'm sorry, I had to. NES.IT E (8 bit - 101)
002 (Hangs head in shame) NES.IT E (8 bit - 101)
003 - NES.IT E (8 bit - 101)
004 Also Christina Aguilara NES.IT E (8 bit - 101)
005 needs to be shot. NES.IT E (8 bit - 100)
006 So does anyone who used NES.IT E (8 bit - 100)
007 the Game Genie for NES.IT E (8 bit - 102)
008 anything other than NES.IT E (8 bit - 100)
009 springboard jumps in SMB3 NES.IT E (8 bit - 13320)
010 and Unlimited Lives in
011 Snake, Rattle and Roll
012 because that game was
013 focking impossible.
014 -
015 Shouts to all friends of
016 chiptunes and everyone
017 else.
018 -------------------------
019 //Game Genie in a Bottle
020 Yet another twisted chip
021 by Virt.\\\
022 -------------------------
023 (c) 1980-something,
024 Galoob Toys, Inc.
026 P.S. I have no idea of
027 the first two lines of
028 lyrics so if they're
029 accurate, I'm surprised
030 because I pulled them out
031 of my ass.
Last Queued : 4 months ago
This song has been played 23 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 1 month ago.
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Song Rating: 3.3 - Votes Placed: 24 View Voting HistoryA total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.
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