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NESOatapult (extended botb ohc tune) by flag xaimus (Imran Hameed)
Requested By: djrandom
Production Labels: Label8bitcollective

Time Left: 4:00

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Song Information

PC-XMKonstiga Kantareller

Author: flag Oxygener (Jonatan Hazell)

Uploaded By: flagprowler

Song Length: 3:56
Release Year: 1999
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 256 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song Platform: PlatformPC-XM

Additional Information:

Ranked 8th in the multichannel music compo at Icing 1998.

Last Queued : 8 months ago

This song has been played 34 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years ago.

Extra Resources: Icon Icon

Song Rating

Song Rating: 2.9 - Votes Placed: 32 View Voting History
A total of 7 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

User Song Comment
Lesbian engineering ⭐

Jag kan inte se nånting. Kan du, Milou?
Milou har visst hittat nånting.
Ett ägg! Det ser ut som ett ägg.
Vem kan ha lagt det? Ser jag rätt egentligen? Det växer ju!
Det är inget ägg, utan en svamp! Men herregud, den blir ju stor som ett lusthus!
Och där exploderar jättesvampen!
Jättesvampar överallt!
Dom sväller upp som stora ballonger och exploderar! Vi springer härifrån!

I can't see anything. Can you, Milou?
Milou has apparently found something.
An egg! It looks like an egg.
Who could have laid that? Am I seeing this right? It's growing!
It's no egg, but a giant mushroom! But OMG, it's growing to the size of a gazebo!
And there the giant mushroom explodes!
Giant mushrooms all over the place!
They inflate to the size of huge balloons and explode! Let's run away from here!

Samples from the Swedish dubbing of Tintin - The shooting star, if I'm not mistaken.

Lesbian engineering ⭐

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