Agemixer (19:31:37) the original here YouTube Link
Agemixer (19:30:05) i have neither installed the emu for android. perhaps should for these rare cases
mirrorbird (19:29:00) well i might listen later, no harm setting up the emulator, some day i may want it for something
mirrorbird (19:28:47) *releases it unfinished* yes i am the greatest musician alive
Agemixer (19:28:14) quite good already, except that i MUST choose another more capable editor to finish that with decent sounds and quirks
Agemixer (19:26:55) The link name tells A SID cover of that originally russian trance track
mirrorbird (19:25:46) what is it?
Agemixer (19:25:44) And yeah i'm full sober, lol
mirrorbird (19:25:32) no emulator installed at present
Agemixer (19:24:59) can
Time Left: 5:21
A history of play requests for song Amusement