Colidace (07:44:41) some people never grow up like me
Colidace (07:43:59) I know that I could definitely shoot in the case of Italy hahahh, no offense, I love simulation and historical games
DennyItaly (07:43:26) Ciao Colidace o/
Colidace (07:42:59) Ciao DennyItaly!
DennyItaly (07:42:12) morning o/
juN3bula (07:42:09)
Colidace (07:41:31) as a binary logic nerd these things are not as simple as they seem
Colidace (07:40:17) playing the UBOAT game I never know whether to shoot at Swedish ships or not, it's kind of neutral, but not really
Colidace (07:38:15) I had to take up history so I wouldn't be such a nerd
Colidace (07:37:11)
Time Left: 4:24
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