
Song Information
Tags for song:
2011 48k Compowinner Demo Forever SpeccyRelated songs:

AY Riders

Song Length: 5:30
Release Year: 2010
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 191 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform:
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)
Additional Information:
Hi there. As I promised on the occasion of publishing "Winter Funk" song - today I put the entire and full version of "Critical Error" ZX demo original score, that includes the "Winter Funk" song too. It also contains an additional lost 'intro' part that isn't present in the demo, as I lost the sources and now I have it only in a recording form. It's quite a long song, different in every demo's part, having various styles and moods of chiptune music. This is a synthetic-music part of the score, there is however also a digital part (outro) available on the Internet under a name "Kaminari": Kaminari
Greetz, ppl.
Last Queued : 3 weeks, 1 day ago
This song has been played 70 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 8 months ago.
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Song Rating: 3.7 - Votes Placed: 43 View Voting HistoryA total of 5 users have this song on their favourites list.
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