Agemixer (18:44:06) Sigh the time flies too fast
Agemixer (18:43:54) Seymour you mean, no weekends left for 2024?
Seymour (18:43:45) ABT is also some name in music, but I don't know it
Seymour (18:43:09) ATB is a German musician, they say
arrakis (18:42:06) Best serp song
arrakis (18:41:55) hope its gonna be allright soon again$
arrakis (18:41:47) we are so sorry Seymour
arrakis (18:41:36) yaeh ABT is AUDI motor booster !!!! mdr
arrakis (18:41:29) issa russian group
arrakis (18:41:26) ah sorry yeaaaaah
Time Left: 6:32
List over votes for the song Asunto 8